Feb 06, 2025, 05:15 PM


SMF - Just Installed!

Member checking in

Started by savagemann, Nov 20, 2021, 03:28 PM

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Hello all.
My name is Brian and I'm checking in from california.
I share a passion for the outdoors, camping, cycling/mountain biking, hiking and especially firearms and tactical related gear.

For my day job I am the lead mechanic at a large bicycle shop here in the bay area.
The wife and I have been wanting to leave california for many years now.
We are currently making plans for our exodus to Idaho, in the Star/Boise area.
Aiming to leave within the next year or so.

About a year ago, in Oct 2020, I started a small gear making business. Citizen Gear Co.
For now I am making tactical rifle slings, but have plans on making lots of other related items.

If you're interested, check out http://www.citizengearco.com
I make a few different models of slings, but available in many camo patterns and colors.

Anyways, I'm always looking to learn more and the great knowledgeable people here at Gear Maker
Forum have been very helpful in the past.
Citizen Gear Co
Instagram @citizengearco


Welcome aboard!  Good to have you here.


Citizen Gear Co
Instagram @citizengearco